Review Our Games

Are you interested in doing a review, playthrough, or preview of any of our games? Great! Please fill out the form below.

If you request a free copy of one of our products and we send it to you, you're agreeing to create and share some form of substantial, public, permanently discoverable content for that product within 2 months of receiving it (a review, playthrough, discussion, etc--more than just a quick tweet, photo, video, or unboxing).

Guidelines for Reviewers

Permanent discoverability: It takes a lot of effort to play, photograph/film, and compose your thoughts about games. That content is worth finding months and years after your original post, so make sure to post it somewhere permanently discoverable, meaning somewhere that a search engine can find it long after the day when you first post (Instagram reviewers: post somewhere else too like a blog or

Featured content: If you accept a free review copy, we’re looking for substantial featured content. That is, we’re looking for more than a quick tweet or Instagram post (a series of such posts is more in line with the idea of “featuring” content). Featured content consists of more than a brief discussion among a number of other games and more than just a 1-2 minute standalone video.

Your audience: When requesting free review copies, please have an audience that is at least this size on one of these platforms:

  • Alexa ranking: Blogs in the top 1 million Alexa-ranked sites.

  • YouTube subscribers: YouTube channels that have at least 2,000 subscribers (or videos that consistently get 500+ views).

  • Twitter followers: At least 2000.

  • Facebook Likes: Facebook pages with at least 1000 Likes.

  • BoardGameGeek thumbs: At least 100 thumbs per review.

  • Instagram followers: At least 5,000 followers (please also repost your content in a place that is permanently discoverable, such as BoardGameGeek).

From Our Side

We ship to reviewers the same way we ship to customers: For physical tabletop games, we’ll ship to you from our standard fulfillment centers via a special code you can use on this site. However, if a reviewer is ever charged customs/fees by their courier, we ask that they contact us so we can refund those charges. For pre-release tabletop games, you get the special treatment of our staff sending prototypes directly to you. (And for digital games, we’ll just give you a download key, of course.)

We don’t charge reviewers for our review products, nor do we pay reviewers: For obvious reasons, we do not pay reviewers. We acknowledge that reviews (positive and negative) are generally useful to the public and are high-effort endeavors. We hope you are able to monetize them should you want to, but charging the publisher for a review creates the wrong incentives. We do offer our products for free to reviewers, but beyond that, we don’t want to influence your review. (If you’re offering paid work for non-opinion-based services, contact Sirlin here.)

We’ll link to, share, thumbs up, etc your review: We’ll help you spread the word about your coverage of our games. Just let us know when and where your coverage will appear so that we don’t miss amplifying you. Reach out to leontes(at) to give us the head’s up!